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Recruiting an IT Professional. Beyond a CV

We all have access to social media and today we use them to share interests in our lives, some, such as LinkedIn, show us a huge group of people interested in showing their professional development.


The problem with professional resumes or CV, shared on Linkedin or on job boards, is that they do not show the person. In other words, a resume is NOT a description of a person. It would be quite simple to define or classify someone beyond what is represented in a page with their professional experiences, achievements and knowledge.


However, it is a fact that when we describe ourselves we ignore negative situations; If we were fired from a job, if we had problems with our previous bosses, we don’t put it into a CV.

It is a challenge for the human resources professional that, through questions and analysis of him in an interview, discover those negative situations that we do not put in a CV.


Although some psychological theories say that a previous behavior tends to be repeated, it is not necessarily a rule or law, however, the human resources professional is taught to avoid risks and identify red flags.

In many cases the problem of the recruiter is that the professional analysis may be confused with personal prejudices or that they stay with what the CV mentions. Or in the case of IT people, they follow by what is technical correct.


To avoid getting to these confusions, it is necessary to hold an interview during the process where the person is analyzed.


It is very important for a recruiter to be empathetic and sensitive to the candidate’s words, what he says and what he does not mean; skills learned from psychology to the hiring and selection process.

However, a Specialized Recruiter, for example an IT Specialized Recruiter, works with greater determination, discipline and humanism to achieve transform that resume into a person, increasing the probability that they will be successful selections.


This is how at Wikitek, with the work of our specialized IT Recruiters, we have achieved great success stories.


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